Superkilen Poster
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I had the unique opportunity to take my studies abroad during the summer of 2013. One of the projects that I was expected to complete by the time our trip was over was to recreate the essence of a place that we had visited, and I chose to do the Superkilen, or Super Wedge park. It was a park that was inspired by the separate cultures that made up the community in Copenhagen, and this was my graphical representation of the place.
The piece was meant to be put into a gallery, but unfortunately due to some technical errors only the part on the left wound up being printed off and mounted in the space. It still looked great, though, if I do say so myself!

I had the unique opportunity to take my studies abroad during the summer of 2013. One of the projects that I was expected to complete by the time our trip was over was to recreate the essence of a place that we had visited, and I chose to do the Superkilen, or Super Wedge park. It was a park that was inspired by the separate cultures that made up the community in Copenhagen, and this was my graphical representation of the place.
The piece was meant to be put into a gallery, but unfortunately due to some technical errors only the part on the left wound up being printed off and mounted in the space. It still looked great, though, if I do say so myself!

Here's an enlargement of the text, for the sake of convenience.

These are all images that I took from the Superkilen. The park consisted of three parts, Red Square, Green Park, and Black Market. Most of what I took was from the Red Square.

This boxing ring was made to represent Thailand, referring to their passion for the Martial Arts practice of Muay Thai. In the background, you can see an Elephant slide from Pripyat Ukraine, inspired from a park that has been abandoned since the events of Chernobyl.

The Hammock comes from Australia, the sand is meant to evoke the many beaches from there.

The star originally shone over Star Sales Company, Inc., in our own state of Tenessee in the U.S.. I felt it was emblematic of many of our neon signs that decorate some of the older parts of town.

This was a statue erected in the park by a resident artist, engraved on each side in several languages with the phrase "we want to live together." I felt this encapsulated the park in it's entirety, and found it touching as a traveller.