Pop-up Phobias
in Sculpture

The concept I was playing with here was a pop-up book of phobias. The parameters we were given was to create something that keys into childhood, and my reasoning was that most phobias are contracted during the early days of our lives. Fear is something that is often used to teach children survival skills and moral values, and story book fables are one of the oldest forms of that sort of education, so making a book about our fears seemed to be an obvious solution. The pages, when combined, spell out the word Fear.

This page was for Felinophobia, the fear of cats.

This page was Electrophobia, the fear of being electrocuted to death.

This page was for Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, perhaps one of the most common fears.

This page was for Ranidophobia, which is the fear or extreme dislike of frogs.