
Wiredogs Music Video posted!

The video I worked on last year for the punk band “The Wiredogs” is up and available to the public!!! The song is “Am I the Resistance?” And it can be found here I’ll post more info about it later. Really happy with how it turned out, lots of credit to the team!!!

Progress has been made! Sashimi Report

This is the Sashimi report that was assigned to our class. Essentially, it is a summation of what I actually have physically done, as opposed to any theory or defenses I may have come up with since the last check in. I decided I had to build a new computer in order to get rid […]

One of my projects was mentioned in an article!

The article can be read here The article is about an augmented reality application that my classmates and I produced, and was written by the CU Newsroom, an internal news source but still, pretty cool! Essentially we used the camera feature on an iPad device in order to show endangered animals in their natural environments, […]