One of my projects was mentioned in an article!

One of my projects was mentioned in an article!

The article can be read here

The article is about an augmented reality application that my classmates and I produced, and was written by the CU Newsroom, an internal news source but still, pretty cool!

Essentially we used the camera feature on an iPad device in order to show endangered animals in their natural environments, and take pictures that they might upload to social media hubs. It was meant to allow users to use it as a self-guided tour through the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, and be a way to convince people to re-connect with nature. The animals that we loaded into it all had their own fact page that would show up in the viewfinder with the click of a button, and now that the prototype is finished the National Fish and Wildlife Service is looking to expand this application to show historical facts about the area that the piece is installed in.

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